Inikah Album Baru Iwan Fals?
"Experience, is the new cool .. mantab lyrics .. New Iwan FALS this .. ", it comments that appear almost simultaneously.The song was titled General Elder. According to them that's the only song that feels 'Iwan FALS it' in terms of the lyrics than the other tracks on the album Balance. And for me a couple of other songs too cool. See, fan opinion varies.Then I rotate the fraudulent non-commercial songs Iwan Fals. The songs were recorded song Iwan Fals not distributed and not sold for whatever reason, but in reality the songs was 'leaked' to the fans. Non commercial songs that FALS Iwan average sound quality 'pathetic' due to the duplicated repeatedly.Initially there was no response, but mid-song all astonished and amazed.
"This song Iwan Fals which again, is a new song ..!", It was their first response when I heard a song written dikomputer titled Oh Indonesia.Their admiration increased when a row playing the song Suspicious, Maling Budiman, Song driver, Sketch The Silent Devil, Sad Songs, Joned, At 2 hours, Back to the Past, Risk, Rain Puddles, Cabinet warts, Authoritarian Democracy, Imelda Mardun, Killer Machinery and so on. (If you want to read the lyrics, search aja ya above)The titles that most fans are giving, because it is not known what the original title fans FALS Iwan gave himself the title match lyric. The songs 'unseen' non commercial that critical lyrical average.And then shouted comments responding to the antique songs.
"The songs just like this really is not circulated yes, I was the ...!"
"The lyrics rock men, swear gahar .....!"
"This new Iwan Fals original .... that the album was Iwan FALS fake .. hahaha ... ! "New Iwan FALS album?mesin2 killerComment my friends at least suggests that Iwan Fals they know is a singer of songs critical. Iwan Iwan FALS for those who wrote the lyrics to 'to the point' without a lot of play on words that meticulous. Once there is a song with lyrics Iwan reasonable despite bad song still does not get more value for them. Iwan Fals they know is a singer with a style of singing speak frankly and is popular with the song Bento, Unloading, Representatives and Omar Bakri. In the heyday of the songs that made Iwan FALS gets stamp as a symbol of rebellion, and the cap is still there today. So many people are wondering why Iwan FALS now better known as a singer of love songs by the current generation.Similar questions could be answered Iwan FALS concert during a press conference in mid-February 2012 Yogyakarta yesterday. At that time a reporter asked why the songs Iwan now critical as it used to and tend themed love. Iwan FALS replied that the songs were created first still relevant to current conditions, and many media outlets that criticize the current social conditions, so what's in a FALS Iwan than the multitude of media. Iwan FALS at the time also said that the fact the songs on his new albums there are several on the theme of social criticism but not exposed, such as the State song (album 50:50 in 2007) and so on.Well, read the statement that I personally Iwan FALS stock tune critical thinking Iwan buanyak really like the collection of songs 'supernatural' is, and even then we also do not know how many songs Iwan Fals 'extra unseen' is still locked in the warehouse untouched fans. So Iwan fals did not need to make a new song again, just distribute it non commercial songs this .. problem sorted out already longing fans. Despite the fact there are some songs that begin the song 'unseen' and then re-released with new arrangements and entered into the album as the song Not Asik Asik, the Army, Football, etc..Along with the delusion that I remember similar comments from one of my friend,
"Iwan FALS have my own label, why not collected master the songs 'supernatural' is officially released trus. It could be how the package Album ya .. moreover printed in a limited edition of exclusive ... ".
"Iwan do not bother rearranging the songs 'supernatural' it. Leave it as it is re-released even looks antique ... "I just nod only to myself, yes, if the master is still there, when it's thrown LHA how?. And be advised usually say it's easier than implementation. I have read of the Three Signs (Iwan management FALS) in a question and answer session on facebook wall, that to publish an album that many technical requirements, such as permits and others. Not to mention the cost and so on.
"Ah, if they are willing and have the intention surely be realized .. it's just a technical problem tock, it can be solved as long as there keniatan serious ....!. When it comes to cost, logic who does not want to be a sponsor Iwan Fals, which companies do not drool so links Iwan .. Most of the parties are the most qualified Iwan's it ..... ", commented a friend when I've talked this problem to him.Wow, for the last comment that I just could mesam-mesem course he said yes to myself.Yes, maybe the Iwan FALS is thought to circulate album containing songs 'ethereal bin antique' Iwan FALS is, or may be in the process? Or even not at all terbesit their minds? I do not know, because I never paranormal private lessons so that everything was a fraud .. :)New Iwan FALS album?Oh IndonesiaAt least the songs antique Iwan FALS was indeed special. Despite the outstanding sound quality far from beautiful, but still hunted many fans. The lyrics that you know a 'terrible'. And fans that listen to this song even though only limited to audio only can daydream Iwan shadow of the figure at the time the grim, sesangar songs. Talk this problem, I just remember first ever post a similar article, try reading the article Bootleg IWAN FALS.The songs 'unseen' Iwan FALS was based on a variety of information coming from the goods 'colongan'. For example, when performing live amid Iwan sang a new song, and then there were secretly recorded by a simple device and then distributed to a limited circle. Also some say when Iwan FALS was training a person the song was recorded and the tape leaked. Then other info says that the songs are already finished recording in the studio and has seriously mixing then failed the test when offered to label a variety of reasons or just for demo for personal documentation Iwan Fals. Well, the recording studio with a full band format 'dicolong' or whatever because then circulated among initially limited as well.New Iwan FALS album?Imelda MardunFrom there then recorded version of 'colongan' early each doubled and doubled again so on until the final results are widely scattered recordings are of poor quality and full of fizz. Until there is some tracks 'supernatural' that could hardly hear the lyrics being sung, but the fans would recognize Iwan vocal character so well that no doubt the singer Iwan Fals. Leaking songs Iwan Fals and doubling behavior is most common in the tape era heyday in the 80s until the 90s. The song was recorded in a tape that would be duplicated many times the quality is going down continuously. Unlike a digital format that can better maintain sound quality.Also may be one cause of leaking a lot of demo songs Iwan FALS being so close Iwan FALS with fans at the time. According to some fellow fans of super heavy, in those Iwan FALS like 'show off' new songs to fans. At that time also known as Iwan FALS very close to the fans and easily found. Differences with now that if you want to see Iwan FALS just ask for a signature or photo together must make an appointment in advance by management in advance.That is the opinion of the circulation of the songs 'unseen' Iwan this FALS. I did not know the truth for sure, but a statement like that was widely circulated among fans for years.Apart from all that, in case there is a master and these songs successfully released officially with better audio quality, would be welcomed by the fans. Especially lately noncommercial songs Iwan FALS is not a treasure trove again. Too many fans 'generous' supported by technology share information more easily, so as to pursue the songs do not have to struggle hard. If my day and comrades first, antique hunting song Iwan FALS desperately hard even bloody feeding time and costs, and sometimes beg-beg until wuelek ... hehehe .. Now? just click right: (.If the problem is too extreme lyrics, maybe in the past it would be a problem, and I think for the size it's not a hindrance anymore, who knows if I'm wrong feelings. Talk about itungan counted-business, Whoa I ndak understand boss. I know of businesses that it should be profitable though small, at least behind the capital. Despite the fact that not a few good businessperson would occasionally lose heart and just for sheer customer satisfaction.And this is good news for fans. In a statement, Iwan Fals now it is preparing a new album some like, and Iwan FALS himself has signaled will include the song 'supernatural' into new album later (based on the press confrence Jogja concert February 18, 2012). We wait for the new album Iwan Fals, hopefully really feels 'Iwan FALS' it as expected.Finally, yeeee, what's wrong with hope, but yes you should do not really excessive, even if ndak materialize-even-ente ente be crazy .. hehehe. Cook's because Iwan until there are wacky ...? .. know how it is the answer ... : P
Ikan Teri Gule Jerapah, Minum Madu Sendoknya Amblas
Iwan Nyanyi Pake Harmonika, Album Baru Semoga NgeFals
pantunnya maksa ya.. hehe biarin :P (sb -
Gambar+lirik kreasi JamesDoel
Ini adalah tulisan dari seorang sahabat yang berprofesi sebagai kolektor merangkap pengamat musik, dan maniak siomay. Ternyata dia juga merindukan Iwan Fals yang ‘Iwan Fals’. :)
Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan suara cempreng?
Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan lagu yang sudah rilis tapi batal diedarkan?
Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan mutu rekaman yang super jelek?
Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan suara yang "turun-naik" seperti kaset kusut?
Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan suara live dimana suara penonton lebih dominan?
Well it looks like this CD that you desire for this, all of the above questions were answered (hopefully).
Contains super rare songs recorded from regular tape full NOISE even recorded and mixing with crude tools, the song that will be passed on even canceled and there is also that we have heard in the form of re-arrangement ....
Cover album is very simple and there are vintage colored bloodstains on the owner and the old image song, is reminiscent of the singer's journey full of "intimidation" full "spirit" and "rebellion" at the time. Hopefully the people around or the owner did not forget it.
Long we dreamed album like this where the wildness of an Iwan FALS while singing, while playing music full of "spirit" to deal with the security forces.
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