Jumat, 21 September 2012

Iwan Fals Dan BBM

Iwan Fals Dan BBM

 The songs often an illustration Iwan FALS news media. Including song lyrics Iwan Fals critically discuss fuel (fuel oil) come into the picture that rising fuel prices will increase the burden of the people. Iwan Fals song is: "... high rising fuel not buy milk ..." we hear most often lately. But still there are some songs that offend other FALS Iwan fuel.

Let us trace the unloading shed iwanfalsmania.com songs Iwan Fals discuss fuel and related or ane connection between with it ... :)

If the song is of course many already know. This is a snippet of the lyrics of a song called Anarchy Signs Galang.

     "Fuel up high, not buy milk ... Smart people pull subsidies, our child malnutrition ... "

This song tells the story of the birth of the first child Iwan Fals along with rising fuel prices at the time (the late 80s). Iwan illustrate that rising fuel prices made ​​he could not buy milk for the baby. This means that the fuel price hike will be followed by rising prices of other goods.

Talk of fuel into the main needs of many people, it turns out there are not concerned with fuel. Want the price goes up or down he would not give a damn. Consider the song snippet Old Pedati Sais.

“Dia tak pernah memerlukan... Dia tak pernah membutuhkan... Solar dan ganti oli... Bensin dan ganti busi... Apalagi charge aki..”
The song tells about sais carts in the countryside. A means of transport using animal power so it does not require fuel. I wonder if it is still a lot to beginian.
Rising fuel prices would baffle many people. However, although the price does not rise, apparently fuel can make the pain as well as in the lyrics of the song Ambulance Zig Zag is:

“Tak lama berselang supir helicak datang... Masuk membawa korban yang berkain sarung... Seluruh badannya melepuh akibat pangkalan bensin ecerannya... Meledak...”
This song actually tells about inequality hospital services are more important than the richer patients indigent patients as a father retail gasoline sellers. And it is still happening today.
Talk of fuel would not be separated from motor vehicles. It definitely requires fuel vehicles that can be used. But this one you can only have a battered bicycle as a means of daily transportation to serve the country to the nation. Who but Mr. Umar Bakrie.

“Bapak Umar Bakri takut bukan kepalang... Itu sepeda butut dikebut lalu cabut kalang kabut... Bakri kentut... cepat pulang... Busyet... standing dan terbang...”
This song sebenarnCerita about a teacher's status as an honest civil service, but the country does not appreciate devoted his services. His salary was cut by the state. That's the reality.
Rising from his battered bicycle to a motorcycle. Some songs Iwan FALS tell about motorcycles now many we meet. Means of transportation almost everyone has and certainly also drank fuel. Little careless motorcycle thief could also diembat like the song story my bike. This song tells the story of the missing bike, later the owner reported to police.

“Hei bapak kopral saya datang mau lapor... Tadi malam waktu saya sedang molor telah kehilangan sepeda motor... Dirumah teman saya yang bermata bolor”
Iwan FALS also wrote the lyrics of the song that tells about the arrival of her lover she'll meet at the train station. Iwan up the bike with a rush, but it turns out the train was late. It exists in the song Train Arriving At How.
“Kupacu sepeda motorku... Jarum jam tak mau menunggu maklum rindu...”
Then Iwan FALS also make a song about her boyfriend drove by riding a motorcycle on the track I Deliver.
“Aku antar kau sore pukul lima... Laju roda dua seperti malas tak beringas...”
So the new song about motorcycles, Iwan Fals recounts his experiences on the streets with a vehicle fuel drinkers at Horse Coklatku song.
“Temanku… kuda besiku... Panas dan hujan bukan halangan...”
Dealing with the last song above, Iwan Fals had become the ambassador of motorcycle products made ​​in India in the year 2008. And the song is a song Horse Coklatku booked as a motorcycle product promo that ad also starring Iwan Fals.
Fuel it takes a lot of people, from ordinary people to corrupt all need. Even Iwan FALS definitely needs fuel to support the profession is also his hobby. Some friends iwanfalsmania.com at one time been discovered by Iwan FALS touring motorcycle up. Stop at the stalls just coffee or ngebakso. Despite trying to disguise his identity, but some are able to recognize that the biker was Iwan Fals.
Well, if the government raised fuel prices whatever the reason, it means that the government does not care about the lyrics to this song:

Turunkan harga secepatnya... Berikan kami pekerjaan... Pasti kuangkat engkau Menjadi manusia setengah dewa...”
Ohohoho ... let songs, folk demonstrations until the fire burns at the government-punch just do not care. Visible eye is a shame corrupt officials honey, sandal thief imprisoned lightning speed. In fact there are now competent parties who openly reject the fuel price increase by calculation and rational reasons and can be implemented, it would not be able to sign in fuel prices did not go up ..?. But we are now forced to 'believe' in the calculations authorities that fuel prices should rise.

Then if necessary following lyrics Iwan FALS is realized as the executor of the country because the government let people suffer and look more concerned with himself and his own group ...
“Negara harus bebaskan biaya pendidikan... Negara harus bebaskan biaya kesehatan... Negara harus ciptakan pekerjaan... Negara harus adil tidak memihak... Negara harus begitu... Kalau tidak bubarkan saja...!
Let us plead for help to the Almighty to protect the mismanagement of the Indonesian nation, the wealthy nations where many people are poor. The more damage in this country and we all continue to strive to improve while cleaning the dirty-dirty so blessed nation, and to God we ask ...
Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami... Tolonglah tolong... Ya Allah ya Robbi... Engkau-lah yang paling mengerti... Pikiran dan hati ini gelisah... Menimbang masa depan dengan gamang... Sungguh hati ini tak tenang... Sungguh kami takut, ya Allah...

Lindungi kami, ya Robbi... Lindungi negeri ini... Berilah kemudahan... Jauhkan kemungkaran... Berilah kecerahan bagi masa yang gelap ini, ya Allah...

Hanya pada-Mu lah kami memohon... Hanya pada-Mu lah... Wahai pemilik segala Nama... Maha dari segala maha... Sumber dari segala sumber...

Ya Allah, kabulkanlah... Kabulkanlah doa kami...
(Lirik lagu: Ya Allah Kami – Iwan Fals - Album Keseimbangan)

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